What connections does the TouchDisplay tab have?
Does the device have its own power supply unit or is it also supplied with power via the USB-C connection to the PC?
Does the device have its own power supply unit or is it also supplied with power via the USB-C connection to the PC?
A power supply unit is included in the scope of delivery. But since it is connected to the PC via USB-C cable, I can imagine that the power supply is optional if the power of the PC USB socket is sufficient.
Addition:The power supply is not optional. Independent of the PC it is always needed.
The USB-C cable to the NUC PC does not power the Tap Display. For the Tap an extra power supply (included in delivery) is necessary. So that at least USB-C + power cord must be connected.
In addition, you can share HDMI input content from a notebook. The USB-A port is intended as a peripheral port for the NUC - is recognized by the
NUC PC in the same way as a USB port on the NUC PC itself. This can be used, for
example, to connect a USB camera or speakers
In newer versions, the connection from the Tap (RJ45 connection) takes place via a CAT cable to the computer (USB-C adapter). A POE Injector is plugged in between, so that there is only one forced connection from the TAP to the PC (or POE Injector).
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