
Fixes several issues to improve overall performance and experience

Resolved Issue(s)

✔ ️Fixed an intermittent issue where the Windows app crashed when users joined a session

✔ ️Fixed an intermittent issue where the Windows app crashed when users shared webcams using a 3rd party service

✔ ️Fixed an issue where Mac GoTo App users were able to chat attendees even though the list was hidden from participants

✔ ️Fixed an issue where GoTo App users were able to copy attendee's email addresses even though the list was hidden from participants

✔ ️Fixed an issue where Mac users were not prompted with the "New hardware detected" message when going through pre-session audio and webcam preview

✔ ️ Fixed an intermittent issue where the Mac app crashed if users selected My Meetings in the taskbar

✔ ️Fixed an issue where the Windows app showed attendees email addresses even though the list was hidden (old GoToMeeting)

Version: 10.17.0 Link
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