Fixed error "Auto Update can’t be downloaded"
- BG-I29798 App Branding can’t be retrieved from the Miniserver without authentication
- BG-I29573 Auto Update can’t be downloaded
- BG-I29863 Miniserver Gen.2 reuses old DNS resolves in some cases
- NFC does not stop learn mode if no stop command is received from app
- App Learning: replaced speaker shown as offline
- BG-I29723 Actively communicating Tree-Extension shown as offline
- BG-I29749 Ventilation control cooling support not activated
- Music Player: Source Change via T5 not shown in history
- BG-I29757 Config crash when configuring device
- Config crash when deleting Music Zone
- Miniserver reboot when reporting tree shortcut
- Fixed Miniserver Gen1 crash when DALI Extension with firmware 15000325 is used