
Revised interval options for Defender for Cloud scan of a cloud environment

December 2024 Update
December 10, 2024

Defender for Cloud Setup experience
The Setup experience allows you to start your initial steps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud by connecting cloud environments such as cloud infrastructure, code repositories, and external container registries.

You're guided through the setup of your cloud environment, to protect your assets with advanced security plans, effortlessly perform quick actions to increase security coverage at scale, be aware of connectivity issues, and be notified of new security capabilities. You can navigate to the new experience from the Defender for Cloud menu by selecting Setup.

Revised interval options for Defender for Cloud scan of a cloud environment
The scan interval options for cloud connectors associated with AWS, GCP, Jfrog, and DockerHub have been revised. The scan interval feature allows you to control the frequency at which the Defender for Cloud initiates a scan of the cloud environment. You can set the scan interval to 4, 6, 12, or 24 hours, when adding or editing a cloud connector. The default scan interval for new connectors continues to be 12 hours.

Version: December 2024 Update Link
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