
You can now choose what you want to collect from your devices

Week of December 2, 2024

Device enrollment
Change to enrollment behavior for iOS enrollment profile type
At Apple WWDC 2024, Apple ended support for profile-based Apple user enrollment. For more information, see Support has ended for profile-based user enrollment with Company Portal. As a result of this change, we updated the behavior that occurs when you select Determine based on user choice as the enrollment profile type for bring-your-own-device (BYOD) enrollments.

Now when users select I own this device during a BYOD enrollment, Microsoft Intune enrolls them via account-driven user enrollment, rather than profile-based user enrollment, and then secures only work-related apps. Less than one percent of Apple devices across all Intune tenants are currently enrolled this way, so this change doesn't affect most enrolled devices. There is no change for iOS users who select My company owns this device during a BYOD enrollment. Intune enrolls them via device enrollment with Intune Company Portal, and then secures their entire device.

If you currently allow users in BYOD scenarios to determine their enrollment profile type, you must take action to ensure account-driven user enrollment works by completing all prerequisites. For more information, see Set up account driven Apple user enrollment. If you don't give users the option to choose their enrollment profile type, there are no action items.

Device management
Device Inventory for Windows
Device inventory lets you collect and view additional hardware properties from your managed devices to help you better understand the state of your devices and make business decisions.

You can now choose what you want to collect from your devices, using the catalog of properties and then view the collected properties in the Resource Explorer view.

Applies to:

  • Windows 10 and later (Corporate owned devices managed by Intune)
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Microsoft Intune updates

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