
Public Preview - Microsoft Entra ID Governance: Approvers can revoke access in MyAccess

December 2024
General Availability - What's new in Microsoft Entra
Type: New feature
Service category: Reporting
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting

What's new in Microsoft Entra offers a comprehensive view of Microsoft Entra product updates including product roadmap (like Public Previews and recent GAs), and change announcements (like deprecations, breaking changes, feature changes and Microsoft-managed policies). It's a one stop shop for Microsoft Entra admins to discover the product updates.

Public Preview - Microsoft Entra ID Governance: Approvers can revoke access in MyAccess
Type: New feature
Service category: Entitlement Management
Product capability: Entitlement Management

For Microsoft Entra ID Governance users, approvers of access package requests can now revoke their decision in MyAccess. Only the person who took the approve action is able to revoke access. To opt into this feature, admins can go to the Identity Governance settings page, and enable the feature. For more information, see: What is the My Access portal?.

General Availability - Expansion of SSPR Policy Audit Logging
Type: New feature
Service category: Self Service Password Reset
Product capability: Monitoring & Reporting

Starting Mid-January, we are improving the audit logs for changes made to the SSPR Policy.

With this improvement, any change to the SSPR policy configuration, including enablement or disablement, will result in an audit log entry that includes details about the change made. Additionally, both the previous values and current values from the change will be recorded within the audit log. This additional information can be found by selecting an audit log entry and selecting the Modified Properties tab within the entry.

These changes are rolled out in phases:

Phase 1 includes logging for the Authentication Methods, Registration, Notifications, and Customization configuration settings.

Phase 2 includes logging for the On-premises integration configuration settings.

This change occurs automatically, so admins take no action. For more information and details regarding this change, see: Microsoft Entra audit log categories and activities

General Availability - Update Profile Photo in MyAccount
Type: New feature
Service category: My Profile/Account
Product capability: End User Experiences

Users can now update their profile photo directly from their MyAccount portal. This change exposes a new edit button on the profile photo section of the user’s account.

In some environments, it’s necessary to prevent users from making this change. Global Administrators can manage this using a tenant-wide policy with Microsoft Graph API, following the guidance in the Manage user profile photo settings in Microsoft 365 document.

General Availability - Temporary Access Pass (TAP) support for internal guest users
Type: New feature
Service category: MFA
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection

Microsoft Entra ID now supports issuing Temporary Access Passes (TAP) to internal guest users. TAPs can be issued to internal guests just like normal members, through the Microsoft Entra ID Admin Center, or natively through Microsoft Graph. With this enhancement, internal guests can now seamlessly onboard, and recover, their accounts with time-bound temporary credentials. For more information, see: Configure Temporary Access Pass to register passwordless authentication methods.

Public Preview - Microsoft Entra ID Governance: access package request suggestions
Type: New feature
Service category: Entitlement Management
Product capability: Entitlement Management

Opt-In As communicated earlier, we're excited to introduce a new feature in My Access: a curated list of suggested access packages. This capability allows users to quickly view the most relevant access packages (based off their peers' access packages and previous requests) without scrolling through a long list. In December you can enable the preview in the Opt-in Preview Features for Identity Governance. From January, this setting is enabled by default.

Public Preview - Security Copilot embedded in Microsoft Entra
Type: New feature
Service category: Other
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection

We’ve announced the public preview of Microsoft Security Copilot embedded in the Microsoft Entra admin Center. This integration brings all identity skills previously made generally available for the Security Copilot standalone experience in April 2024, along with new identity capabilities for admins and security analysts to use directly within the Microsoft Entra admin center. We've also added brand new skills to help improve identity-related risk investigation. In December, we broaden the scope even further to include a set of skills specifically for App Risk Management in both standalone and embedded experiences of Security Copilot and Microsoft Entra. These capabilities allow identity admins and security analysts to better identify, understand, and remediate the risks impacting applications and workload identities registered in Microsoft Entra.

With Security Copilot now embedded in Microsoft Entra, identity admins get AI-driven, natural-language summaries of identity context and insights tailored for handling security incidents, equipping them to better protect against identity compromise. The embedded experience also accelerates troubleshooting tasks like resolving identity-related risks and sign-in issues, without ever leaving the admin center.

Public Preview - Security Copilot in Microsoft Entra: App Risk skills
Type: New feature
Service category: Other
Product capability: Identity Security & Protection

Identity admins and security analysts managing Microsoft Entra ID registered apps can identify and understand risks through natural language prompts. Security Copilot has links to the Microsoft Entra Admin Center for admins to take needed remediation actions. For more information, see: Assess application risks using Microsoft Security Copilot in Microsoft Entra.

Public Preview - Provision custom security attributes from HR sources
Type: New feature
Service category: Provisioning
Product capability: Inbound to Entra ID

With this feature, customers can automatically provision "custom security attributes" in Microsoft Entra ID from authoritative HR sources. Supported authoritative sources include: Workday, SAP SuccessFactors, and any HR system integrated using API-driven provisioning.

Public Preview - Sign in with Apple
Type: New feature
Service category: B2C - Consumer Identity Management
Product capability: Extensibility

This new feature adds Apple to our list of preconfigured social identity providers. As the first social identity provider implemented on the eSTS platform, it introduces a "Sign in with Apple" button to the sign-in options, allowing users to access applications with their Apple accounts. For more information, see: Add Apple as an identity provider (preview).

General Availability - Microsoft Entra External ID Custom URL Domains
Type: New feature
Service category: Authentications (Logins)
Product capability: Identity Lifecycle Management

This feature allows users to customize their Microsoft default sign in authentication endpoint with their own brand names. Custom URL Domains help users to change Ext ID endpoint .ciamlogin.com to login.contoso.com.

General Availability - Privileged Identity Management integration in Azure Role Based Access Control
Type: New feature
Service category: RBAC
Product capability: Access Control

Privileged Identity Management (PIM) capabilities are now integrated into the Azure Role Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) UI. Before this integration, RBAC admins could only manage standing access (active permanent role assignments) from the Azure RBAC UI. With this integration, just-in-time access and timebound access, which are functionalities supported by PIM, are now brought into the Azure RBAC UI for customers with either a P2, or Identity Governance, license.

RBAC admins can create assignments of type eligible and timebound duration from the Azure RBAC add role assignment flow, see the list of different states of role assignment in a single view, as well as convert the type and duration of their role assignments from the Azure RBAC UI. In addition, end users now see all their role assignments of different state straight from the Azure RBAC UI landing page, from where they can also activate their eligible role assignments. For more information, see: List role assignments at a scope.

Version: December 2024 Link
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