
Exchange Online April 2024 Updates

Exchange Online New Features

April 2024
Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Last used date inside Tenant Allow Block List
Tenant allow block list domains & addresses, URL, and file entries will show last used date. This helps admins understand when an entry was last used (either at mailflow or time of click), helping them remove entries which are no longer needed.
• Feature ID: 183908
• Product(s): Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Exchange
• Cloud instance(s): Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
• Platform(s): Web
• Release phase(s): General Availability

Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Updated submission results
Administrators and security operators will see updated results from submissions. These updates remove any confusion they might have with the current submission result.
• Feature ID: 389856
• Product(s): Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Exchange
• Cloud instance(s): Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
• Platform(s): Web
• Release phase(s): General Availability

Exchange: Microsoft Defender for Office 365 - Quarantine End User Allow and Block list management

Microsoft is Updating the experience for end user allow and block list management of their emails. With one click, end users will block emails from unwanted senders and prevent those emails from showing up in their default quarantine view anymore as well as in their Quarantine notifications. End users will also be able to allow emails from trusted senders and prevent future emails from those senders from landing in quarantine given there are no Admin overrides in place. End users will also have visibility into Admin overrides that led to a Quarantined email message if there is one.

Feature ID: 380185
Product(s): Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Exchange
Cloud instance(s): GCC High, DoD, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC
Platform(s): Web
Release phase(s): General Availability

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