
SharePoint: Site access review from Sharing link reports in Data Access Governance

20 Nov ,2024 Update

SharePoint: Site access review from Sharing link reports in Data Access Governance

Site access review allows SharePoint admins to delegate access governance to site owners in the context of potential oversharing as defined within DAG reports. We earlier released site access review from within "Content shared with everyone except external users" report. Now, the same functionality will be available from all "Sharing link" reports as well.

Cloud instance(s): Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
Platform(s): Web
Release phase(s): General Availability

SharePoint: Site Access Review offers a way for SharePoint tenants to empower site owners using Data Access Governance

SharePoint admins can use Data Access Governance reports to discover potential oversharing within their tenant. Once discovered, SharePoint admins can now request that site owners review permissions using the specific context of that report from within the report. They can also track all such requests raised from a central location. The site owners will receive a corresponding email and are redirected to a section within the site (site reviews) that clearly enunciates the corresponding data related to sharing and permissions along with the ability to take action. This feature is now available for Data Access Governance - Permissions based reports - count of permissioned user report.

Cloud instance(s): Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
Platform(s): Web
Release phase(s): General Availability

SharePoint: Using Data Access Governance to understand the tenant's current permission landscape

SharePoint admins can now use Data Access Governance (DAG) to understand their tenant's current permission landscape and make better decisions regarding applications based on permissions such as Copilot. DAG now provides a report that will reflect the latest state of permissions in the entire tenant and return sites that have a greater count of permissioned users than the SharePoint admin specified number. This count considers users accessing sites via site membership and users accessing via unique permissions, as well and acts like a potential threshold for oversharing. Along with the permissioned user count, the report also provides information on the number of existing sharing links (Anyone and People-in-your-org) in those sites and enables SharePoint admins to identify potential root causes for oversharing. You can find more details about this report at the link below.

Product(s): SharePoint
Cloud instance(s): Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
Platform(s): Web
Release phase(s): General Availability

Version: 20 Nov ,2024 Update Link
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