Windows 11 24H2Microsoft
Windows 11 24H2

What is the best way to fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues After Updating to Windows 11 24H2 ?

What is the best way to fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues After Updating to Windows 11 24H2 ?

ninja / enthusiast (290)


If you experience Wi-Fi issues, follow these steps:

  • Restart Router and PC: Restart your router and your PC to refresh the connection.
  • Update Network Drivers: Go to Device Manager, find your network adapter, right-click, and select "Update driver."
  • Reset Network Settings: Go to Settings>Network &amp; Internet>Status>Network reset.
  • Disable Power Management: In Device Manager, right-click your network adapter, go to Properties>Power Management, and uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power."

techguru / enthusiast (240)

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