
KB5053603: Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH) (known issue)] Fixed

March 11, 2025—KB5053603 (OS Build 20348.3328)

This security update includes quality improvements. The following summary outlines key issues addressed by the KB update after you install it. Also, included are available new features. The bold text within the brackets indicates the item or area of the change.

  • [Daylight saving time (DST)] This update supports (DST) changes in Paraguay.
  • [Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH) (known issue)] Fixed: The service fails to start, which stops SSH connections. There is no detailed logging, and you must run the sshd.exe process manually.
  • [GB18030-2022] This update adds support for this amendment.
  • [Azure Virtual Network] Fixed: You can turn off the VNET metering feature with the following registry key.
    Registry key: HKLM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NcHostAgent\\Parameters\\Plugins\\Vnet
    Registry key: MeteringDisabled (DWORD type)
    Data to be set: 1
Version: OS Build 20348.3328 Link
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