
Accessibility features and Static IP on wired network improvements


Static IP on wired networks

  • Neat devices are now able to be configured with a static IPv4 when connected to a wired network. After completing the initial device setup, you can access this feature in your Neat system settings through the following menu path (Settings → General → System Settings → Network → Ethernet → Configure IPv4 (beta))
  • Note: This feature is not currently available for wireless networks and cannot be accessed during the out-of-box (OOB) installation process.

Increased maximum camera zoom on Neat Bar Pro

  • In this update, the maximum zoom of the Neat Bar Pro has been increased from 8x to 16x in order to provide a more lifelike meeting experience in larger spaces where participants are sat further from the camera. You can access this setting on your Neat Bar Pro through the following menu path (Settings → General → System Settings → Audio & video → Maximum zoom)

Accessibility features

  • New accessibility features for Neat products are included in this release, including high contrast mode, large text, and color corrections. You can access these features in your Neat system settings through the following menu path (Settings → General → System Settings → Accessibility)

High contrast mode

  • Enabling this feature on Neat devices will make certain text easier to read and locate by adding a high contrast border around the font.

Large text

  • This feature will allow users to change the font size of the text used in the on-screen user interface. The available options range from small to default to large to largest.

Color corrections

  • Enabling this feature on the Neat Bar will change the color saturation on your Neat device to account for common types of color blindness. The options available are Deuteranomaly (red-green), Protanomaly (red-green), and Tritanomaly (blue-yellow).
  • Note: This feature is not available on the Neat Board or the Neat Bar Pro. When activating this setting on a Neat Bar it will only affect the output on its HDMI1 port.

Zoom Rooms 5.9 release

  • General features
    • Display gender pronouns: If enabled by account admins and added to their profile by either the user directly or through SAML mapping, a user’ s gender pronouns are displayed in their contact card and as part of their display name in meetings and webinars.
    • Updates to Zoom Room Controller sign in and pre-meeting user interface
    • Support for Neat Frame
    • Transfer meetings between devices: Seamlessly transfer meetings from mobile/desktop devices to a Personal Zoom Room device.
  • In-meeting features
    • Optional Reclaim Host when rejoining: When the original host of a meeting rejoins, they are now given the option to reclaim host controls or remain as a participant or co-host, in order to not disrupt the current host.
    • End meeting option for Microsoft Teams Direct Guest Join: Zoom Rooms for Touch devices will be able to exit browser screens opened by joining a third party meeting.
    • Gallery view default: The Zoom Room’ s video will appear in the second place of the gallery view by default.
    • Attendee annotation: Meeting hosts can allow or prohibit attendee annotation on shared content.
    • Improvements to large meeting experience

Other improvements

  • This release contains significant improvements to the video quality of the Neat Bar Pro. Camera sharpness has been increased and differences between the wide angle and telephoto lenses have been reduced to create a more fluid experience while zooming in to frame meeting participants.
  • We have also improved our noise reduction and gain control algorithms to provide better audio quality across all Neat devices.

Zoom Rooms software

  • Zoom Room Appliance version: 5.9.4 (685)
  • Zoom Room Controller version: 5.9.3 (1069)

Bug fixes

  • CUS-214 - In previous releases, Neat devices were only able to support 48.1 kHz audio sampling rates via HDMI, which could cause a crackling effect while sharing content to the Neat Bar from certain machines that only output at 44.1 kHz. In this release we have resolved this issue by adding support for 44.1 kHz audio sampling rates through HDMI.
  • ZOOM-105 - In our previous release, a communication issue between Neat devices and the Zoom cloud caused Neat Sense data to be improperly received and reported in the Zoom cloud. This has been resolved in this release.

Open issues

  • INBUGS-31 - ‘ Unable to verify certificate’ message displayed when uploading CA certificate which has a text part before the actual certificate part. To work-around this issue, copy only the certificate portion (BEGIN CERTIFICATE / END CERTIFICATE) to a file and save it as .pem/.cert etc.
  • INBUGS-317 - When upgrading from an old s/w release to most recent Android 10 release (from June 2021), some devices would incorrectly show the timezone of Neat device to be ‘ Azores Summer Time’ . As a work-around, you can factory reset both Bar and Pad and the correct timezone will be reflected.
  • ZOOM-93 - In this release, it is not possible to disable Zoom’ s ‘ Advanced Noise Suppression’ feature. As a result, any users using the ‘ Music mode’ feature will notice that their audio is being suppressed by Zoom’ s noise suppression algorithm, making the experience poor. This issue is being investigated by the Zoom engineering team.
  • INBUGS-856 - When entering static IP information for a Neat Bar or Neat Bar Pro, an invalid configuration will cause the Bar to lose firmware pairing and be non-functional until the device is reset and paired with a Neat Pad.
  • INBUGS-883 - When entering manual proxy information during the out-of-box (OOB) instillation process, the hostname or IP address will appear blank in Neat system settings after the configuration has been saved. In this scenario, proxy information is still being saved and can be viewed in system settings once the device is operational.
  • INBUGS-959 - A maximum zoom of 16x is enabled by default on the Neat Bar Pro, but this is not reflected accurately in Neat system settings. The default option of 4x maximum zoom in the Neat Bar Pro’ s audio and video settings corresponds with its default value of 16x maximum zoom.
  • CUS-326 - In this release some features that are not yet fully supported can be enabled through Neat system settings. Enabling the following features will have no effect on each device. Neat Bar Pro: Auto-wake up / Lower Latency Mode / Color Correction, Neat Board: Color Correction
Version: 20220211 Link
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