The manufacturer NetModule has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Ebauthd and GUI Service AC improvements

New Features

  • Case 469282: Ebauthd improvements.
    Ebauthd is using ioctls instead of using the ethtool to re-negotiation an interface, now.
  • Case 475708:
    rc.local is now part saved config.
    Customized bash scripts in rc.local can now be backed up and re-uploaded via the
  • Case 488086: GUI Service AC improvements
    The order of the AC labels "Profiles" and "Configuration" were changed to be more coherent with the
    configuration flow


  • Case 413946: Software updates fixes
    Automatic NRSW updates could not be disabled for some versions. This is fixed
  • Case 453829 and Case 468986: SDK improvements
    There has been a memory leak in the SDK modbus implementation which caused problems in long running scripts. This is fixed.
    Thenb_transfer_post request length limit was too small for some customer scenarios. The limit is now increased to 8MB.
  • Case 460758: Surveyor improvements
    Under some circumstances it could be that the watchdog was not triggered by the surveyor within the timeout and therefore the ping mechanism of the surveyor was displayed as dead. This could happen especially while using 4 LTE cards at the same time. This has been fixed.
  • Case 467124: Web-UI fixes
    On some configuration pages the progress bar finished before the page was actually ready when applying an configuration change. This is fixed.
  • Case 475830: SIP fixes
    The restrictions for incoming SIP calls were too restrictive resulting in rejected invites when called from external SIP phone. This is fixed.
  • Case 475859: Licensing
    The license declared for the components firmware-ath10k and firmware-ath10k-ct (candelatech) was incorrect.This has been fixed.
  • Case 484919: EMMC fixes
    A bug in a memory controller could lead to readtimeouts during theboot process. This is fixed.
  • Case 500450: WLAN scan improvements
    It could be that some SSIDs were displayed as "n/a" after performing WLAN scans several times. This has been fixed
  • Case 503970: Firewall improvements
    Existing UDP streams would break on Firewall restart in some cases. This is fixed.
  • Case 532964: SDK fixes
    A memory leak had been found in thenb_transfer_post function of the SDK. This is fixed
Version: Link
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