ODVA EtherNet/IP Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to ODVA EtherNet/IP within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. ODVA representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about ODVA EtherNet/IP
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What is EtherNet/IP scanner vs adapter?
What functions differentiate the EtherNet/IP scanner and adapter, what functions do they perform?
What is the difference between EtherNet/IP and TCP/IP?
Many places are mixing the EtherNet/IP and TCP/IP, showing them as the same thing. Is this true or there is a difference? If yes, what...
Service ID, Class ID, Instance ID, and Attribute ID?
Where can I find the Service ID, Class ID, Instance ID, and Attribute ID for my EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Instruction?
What do the terms service, class, instance, and attribute mean?
What do the terms service, class, instance, and attribute mean?
How can I configure my CPU as an EtherNet/IP scanner?
How can I configure my CPU as an EtherNet/IP scanner?
What is the difference between Ethernet and EtherNet/IP?
Can you please clarify the exact difference between Ethernet and EtherNet/IP, their place in the OSI model, and the protocol structure?
Communication between the EtherNet/IP device and the P3-550 CPU
How do I know if my EtherNet/IP device can communicate with the P3-550 CPU?
Maximum number of EtherNet/IP connections?
What is the maximum number of EtherNet/IP connections?
How many EtherNet/IP scanners and/or adapters are possible?
How many EtherNet/IP scanners and/or adapters are possible?
How to send and receive large data using explicit messaging??
How can I transfer large data say few hundred kilobytes using explicit messaging? Some of my vendor specific objects may contain 100 or more attributes....
EtherNet/IP querying for tag with ö (german sign)?
Hello, Is it possible to read tags with german signs using EtherNet/IP. In PLC I can find few different tags. I am able to read...
what is the exact format Format of SCID (CRC+SCTS)?
I have calculated CRC and SCTS, my CRC is E6F5AA52 and SCTS is 49FD02706C6E, so my SCID would be E6F5AA5249FD02706C6E ? is this correct? i...
How does the communication of a PC with Ethernet/IP devices work?
Hello everyone,
For historical reasons, we used very old Pascal software to control a welding system. At that time, a motion controller was controlled via RS232....
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