
How does the communication of a PC with Ethernet/IP devices work?

Hello everyone,
For historical reasons, we used very old Pascal software to control a welding system. At that time, a motion controller was controlled via RS232. This is no longer available.Now the question is: Can I communicate with Ethernet/IP devices using "normal" receive and send procedures for TCP/IP or do I need special drivers or hardware?
Kai Steffen


It always depends on the device. Normally you need the control commands. These can often be found in the manufacturer's documentation or API interface. Then it depends on how you want to communicate with this device. Most commands have to be entered somewhere in a controller. You can use the Putty, Hercules or MobaXTerm software to receive and send commands. They can actually cover everything you might need. If you want to communicate with the devices via RS-232, you will have to try out different adapters, as not all of them work straight away.

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