The manufacturer OPC Foundation has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Callback to notify about channel token renewal.

Breaking change

  • Based on a recent security review, the Https server endpoints enforce by request TLS mutual authentication and change behavior without.
  • It is highly recommended to only use mutual TLS authentication. Some clients may not support the new scheme yet.
  • A new configuration variable
    <httpsmutualtls>true</httpsmutualtls> enables or disables the mutual TLS authentication support (default: true).

The behavior of the https TLS endpoint changes according to the following settings:

HttpsMutualTls is true

  • The server checks the trust on the certificate which is used by the client for TLS authentication. It must be a valid OPC UA application certificate which is trusted.
  • A client can still connect without providing a client certificate, but then it is only able to call discovery services.
  • In order to create a session, the client must use the same application certificate that was used for the TLS channel.

HttpsMutualTls is false

  • There is no application authentication. The server endpoint uses security None and there is no client application authentication.
  • Instead, only user authentication is used to secure the server, anonymous user authentication is disabled.
  • Discovery service calls are supported.


  • Supports native .NET 9 assemblies. A new X509CertificateLoader was introduced for older .NET versions to keep the code readable without ifdef.
  • Server GDS Push CreateSigningRequest supports regeneration of the public/private key pair. by @romanett.
  • Callback to notify about channel token renewal.
  • Server detection algorithm for clients which try to exploit the known Basic128Rsa15 vulnerability.

Bug fixes

  • Client ReadNodes throws an BadInvalidType if a value type returns null.
  • Client reading of large dictionaries is split in chunks. by @ThomasNehring.
  • Mixed opc.https and https endpoint prevent a server from starting up .
  • Server endpoint certificates were not updated after GDS Push UpdateCertificate. by @romanett.
  • Event reports ignore session context. by @Filippo-Oliva-ABB.
  • Accept namespace Uri which are not well formed. Stricter handling was added in previous release, but for IOP is again relaxed.
  • Reading complex types from a server could cause a null pointer exception in BinaryDecoder. by @marcschier.
  • Reading operation limits could cause an exception (thus operation limits were ignored).
  • CRL with invalid content could cause exception when reading property with lazy decoding, decode CRL always when constructore is called to catch issues early.
  • Channel token HMAC references were not disposed after a channel renew.
  • Allow decoding of extension objects which set the length to -1.
  • Fix for CauseMappings and bug in ConditionRefresh/2 by @Archie-Miller

What's Changed

  • Bump Serilog and System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource by @dependabot in #2780
  • Update CauseMappings to support transitions correctly by @Archie-Miller #2877
  • ConditionRefreshAsync always results in BadNodeIdUnknown by @Archie-Miller #2876
  • [Server] GDS Push: Enable regeneratePrivatekey for CreateSigningRequest method of Server by @romanett in #2778
  • Client ReadNodes, throw BadInvalidType if a value type returned by an attribute is null by @mregen in #2746
  • [Client] Read large dictionaries by @ThomasNehring in #2782
  • Server doesn't start up with mixed https endpoints by @mregen in #2789
  • #2777 Fix for - MonitoredItem2.OnReportEvent Ignores Session in ISystemContext During Notification Process by @Filippo-Oliva-ABB in #2779
  • [Server] update endpoint descriptions after certificate update by @romanett in #2735
  • Moved the modified reference server from the unit test to its own file by @ThomasNehring in #2725
  • #2656 Fix for - Session is not provided by ClearChangeMasks when a change is notified by @Filippo-Oliva-ABB in #2772
  • Revert "#2656 Fix for - Session is not provided by ClearChangeMasks w… by @mregen in #2792
  • Fix ExpandedNodeId.Format output for not well formed uri and JSON Verbose WriteStatusCode by @mregen in #2794
  • Null pointer exception when reading a complex type from umati server.… by @marcschier in #2798
  • Add ReturnDiagnostics to Session Constructor by @romanett in #2810
  • IOP: Fix FetchOperationLimits for some use cases by @mregen in #2807
  • Update version.json to allow preview builds from develop by @mregen in #2813
  • Fix bugs in JSON decoder by @mregen in #2828
  • Update brokerHostName before MqttClientOptionsBuilder uses it's value by @mrsuciu in #2830
  • Improve crl handling in certificate stores by @romanett in #2829
  • Using Uri.TryCreate causes regression with namespace uri that use mixed lower/uppercase letters in the of the Uri. by @KircMax in #2837
  • ChannelToken: Dispose HMAC and improve lifetime calculations. by @mregen in #2846
  • Added a minimal rogue client detection mechanism at the transport level by @mrsuciu in #2850
  • ValidateRolePermissions for MIs montioring the Value of a Node by @romanett in #2809
  • [Server] ValidateRolePermissions of MonitoredItems based of the saved user identity to allow validation when no session is present by @romanett in #2832
  • Support .NET 9.0 build by @mregen in #2865
  • Client perf and memory improvements for JSON encoding and subscriptions by @mregen in #2864
  • Register callback to notify about new channel token activation (#2872) by @marcschier in #2873
  • [Client] Fix: KeepAliveInterval was not updated on ModifySubscription by @romanett in #2871
  • Merge fixes from master in stable branch by @mregen in #2878
  • Bump BouncyCastle.Cryptography from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 by @mregen in #2875
  • Allow decoding of extension objects for legacy devices which do not set the length by @mregen in #2869
  • Enable mutual tls on server https endpoints by @mrsuciu in #2849
  • fix serialization of ApplicationConfiguration /CertificateTrustList by @romanett in #2879
  • Merge develop/main374 into release/1.5.374 by @mregen in #2881
Version: 1.5.374.158 Link
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