The manufacturer OpenAI has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Canvas (Dec 10, 2024)

Canvas (Dec 10, 2024)
Today we made Canvas available in 4o by default for all users, Free and Paid. Additionally, we launched a number of new capabilities for canvas, including:

  • - Canvas in GPTs: Canvas can now be used with GPTs when enabled in the GPT creator. This toggle will be enabled for newly created GPTs by default.
  • Python code execution: You can now execute Python code in a canvas. ChatGPT will take a pass on fixing bugs in your code and provide comments on errors.
  • Canvas shortcut: You can now paste content into ChatGPT and instantly open it in canvas via a shortcut in the upper right corner of the composer.
  • Canvas in Toolbox: Canvas has been added as an option in the toolbox.
Version: Canvas (Dec 10, 2024) Link
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