Philips Hue Bridge 2nd gen Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Philips Hue Bridge 2nd gen within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Philips representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about Philips Hue Bridge 2nd gen
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How do I control the lights when I'm not at home?
How do I control the lights when I'm not at home?
What is the range of Hue Bridge?
How far does the Hue bridge go? If the bridge is on the ground floor, can I control lamps on the upper floor?
What is the maximum distance between lamp and bridge?
Does the bridge have to be near the lights or can it be in another room?
What is the default user and password?
I need the default credentials for the Hue Bridge 2nd gen. Can someone help me?
Can names / designations also be assigned to the lamps?
Can names / designations also be assigned to the lamps?
Can I use Philips hue A19 light bulb without the bridge?
Can I use Philips hue A19 light bulb without the bridge?
Can the base station also be controlled by an Android?
Can the base station also be controlled by an Android?
Can the Hue system also be controlled with Alexa or Siri?
Can the Hue system also be controlled with Alexa or Siri?
Can multiple scenes be created for the same light bulb?
Can multiple scenes be created for the same light bulb?
Does this bridge work the same as the 1st gen bridge?
Does this bridge work the same as the 1st gen bridge?
Do I need a bridge in each room of our house?
Do I need a bridge in each room of our house?
How many light bulbs can a hue bridge control?
How many light bulbs can a hue bridge control?
Does HUE Bridge have an external power supply?
Does HUE Bridge have an external power supply?
When is the Hue Bridge needed?
Do I need the Hue bridge or can I simply use the light bulbs with Alexa?
Is there also a motion detector for Hue?
i would like to equip the hallway with philips hue in addition to my living room. in order not to have to operate the light...
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