Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to PI PROFIBUS within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. PI representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about PI PROFIBUS
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What is the difference between PROFIBUS and PROFINET?
What makes PROFIBUS and PROFINET stand from one another, and how can I decide which one should I use in my application?
What is difference between Profibus DP and Profibus PA ?
What is difference between Profibus DP and Profibus PA ?
what is the maximum distance on communication works?
what is the maximum distance on communication works?
DP cable PROFIBUS violet color?
Do DP cables from PROFIBUS always have a violet color?
Short-circuit in a PROFIBUS cable?
What happens if a PROFIBUS cable is short-circuited?
What is PROFIBUS termination?
What is a PROFIBUS termination and how can be implemented in order to create a power-safe network?
Distance between PROFIBUS and live cables?
Does it make sense to keep a distance between PROFIBUS and live cables?
Does the cycle time depend on the choice of addresses?
Does the cycle time depend on the choice of addresses?
Two or more PROFIBUS cables in one cable duct?
Is it possible to lay two or more PROFIBUS cables in one cable duct?
Influence PROFIBUS connector with diagnostic LEDs the bus load?
How does a PROFIBUS connector with diagnostic LEDs influence the bus load?
Why and where is fiber-optic transmission used?
Why and where is fiber-optic transmission used?
Which transmission Profibus PA and Profibus DP are use?
Which transmission Profibus PA and Profibus DP are use?
Can Profibus PA and Profibus DP work together?
Can Profibus PA and Profibus DP work together?
How many devices can be implemented in one system??
How many devices can be implemented in one system??
What is hybrid system and for what is usage of that?
What is hybrid system and for what is usage of that?
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