Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to PI PROFINET within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. PI representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
All questions about PI PROFINET
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Can a RJ45 connector be used on a profinet cable?
Can a RJ45 connector be used on a profinet cable?
What is the difference between PROFINET RT and IRT?
What are the differences and the purpose of these two PROFINET versions, the RT and IRT, and what they are used for?
Can PROFINET and Ethernet be on same switch?
Can PROFINET and Ethernet be used on the same switch/equipment devices or special hardware is needed for the PROFINET network?
What is the difference between PROFINET RTClass 1 and RTClass 3?
What is the difference between PROFINET RTClass 1 and RTClass 3?
Can PROFINET use Ethernet cable?
Since the PROFINET is based on the standard Ethernet, is it possible to use the same Ethernet cables?
Use hub in PROFINET network?
Does it make sense to use a hub in the PROFINET network?
How does the distribution of IP addresses work?
How are IP addresses distributed in a PROFINET system?
What is a PROFINET MRP networking and how can be used to complement and help the existing application topology? Is this the only redundancy possibility...
What types of characters can be used in PROFINET station names?
What types of characters can be used in PROFINET station names?
Integrate additional LEDs into PROFINET?
Does it make sense to integrate an additional LED for PROFINET for an IO device?
Can PROFINET be routed?
Can any PROFINET messages be sent over a Layer 3 router - intentionally passing into different IP networks?
Data exchange between PC and Siemens via Profinet RT?
I have to program an application in C# that sends and receives data to and from an Siemens S7 PLC. For some reason they require...
Connecting the cable shielding to the PROFINET system
Where should the shielding of the cable be connected to a PROFINET system?
What abbreviations exist in this form of communication?
What abbreviations exist in this form of communication?
Can profinet collaborate with other systems?
Can profinet collaborate with other systems and what are the systems?
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