CCX 400
How many BLFs (Busy Lamp Fields) do the CCX 400, CCX 500, CCX 600 and CCX 700 have??
How many BLFs (Busy Lamp Fields) do the CCX 400, CCX 500, CCX 600 and CCX 700 have??
How many BLFs (Busy Lamp Fields) do the CCX 400, CCX 500, CCX 600 and CCX 700 have??
Poly CCX 400, CCX 500, CCX 600 & CCX 700 Flexible Call Appearances
A number of features associate with flexible call appearances, including multiple line registrations, multiple line keys per registration, and multiple call appearances. Flexible line keys (FLK) support static busy lamp field (BLF) and enhanced feature keys (EFK).
The following table includes the following types of call appearances:
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