The manufacturer Poly has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

This release of Poly Voice Software includes important field fixes.

What's New

This release of Poly Voice Software includes important field fixes.

Resolved Issues

Certificate management

  • Certificates renewed using SCEP trigger 802.1x authentication failures where logging states "unknown CA".

Device management

  • Quickly toggling an audio termination on and off in the Zoom Phone application can cause the phone to maintain a hidden active call that blocks scheduled reboots.


  • Downgrading to a Zoom APK intermittently results in app data from the previous APK not being cleared. This resulted in the inability of the user to sign in to the downgraded app.


  • Phones don't retransmit SIP 4xx final error responses to INVITE requests in some cases.
  • When an IP address is added to the set of a phone's proxies/servers via DNS, and re-registration after failover with periodic failback is enabled, the phone will gradually exhaust its resources and eventually cease to maintain its SIP registrations.

User interface

  • The first use of the digit 1 when filling in browser form data inserts the ! character instead.
  • After cancelling the deletion of a contact in your directory in the OpenSIP base profile, the home screen incorrectly overlays a directory navigation tab to the far right of the screen.
  • Removing a CCX EM60 during an active call causes the display to show overlapping UI elements.

Known Issues


Poly CCX 600 and Poly CCX 700 can reach 20 simultaneous calls but are unable to reach the expected 24 (1 active/23 on hold).

  • Workaround: No workaround.


A Poly CCX 600 in the Zoom Phone base profile may reboot if the external camera is removed while in a video meeting,

  • Workaround: No workaround.


Mute on and mute off notifications don't play when the mute button is used when a Plantronics Voyager 5200 headset is paired via Bluetooth to a Poly CCX phone.

  • Workaround: No workaround.


The recent calls, voicemail, or calendar screens may be blank after changing the text size to Large in the Accessibility Settings menu.

  • Workaround: Restart the phone after the text size increase.

When multiple calls simultaneously arrive and are answered, a Resume button incorrectly remains on the active call screen for the most recently selected and resumed call.

  • Workaround: No workaround.

User interface

Device name under Bluetooth changes to "iMX8" after performing User Data Reset.

  • Workaround: Device name is recoverable after re-performing "User Data Reset".

Enabling the Application Switching feature for simultaneous use of OpenSIP and Teams, changing the display theme between light or dark from the Teams menu causes the expansion module to disconnect until a reboot.

  • Workaround: Reboot the phone.

A Poly Trio C60 paired with a Studio X series video bar incorrectly applies the GMT time zone when selecting GMT +8 Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.

  • Workaround: Choose GMT +8 Perth to apply the desired time offset.

The label in the basic settings menu for "Clear Call History/Directory" is not translated to languages other than English.

  • Workaround: No workaround.
Version: Link
Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Poly CCX 700 updates

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