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New Product Support

What's New in Q-SYS 9.12

This topic covers release information for Q-SYS 9.12 and any maintenance releases.

Note: Before upgrading your system, review the Q-SYS Compatibility section. This ensures that your products are compatible with the newest version of Q-SYS Designer Software.


Version 9.12.0 was released October 21, 2024, and includes these updates and resolved issues. This release emphasizes enhancing video stability and reliability, ensuring video interactions are smoother and more consistent.

Note: See the Downgrade Notices section for important information concerning downgrading to version 9.9.x from version 9.12.x.

New Product Support


The latest Q-SYS 9.12 update adds support for the QIO-FLEX4A, the newest all-in-one network I/O peripheral for presentation, discussion, and connected collaboration spaces. It is available from the Inventory within the Audio-Q-LAN > Audio I/O.

For more information, see the QIO-FLEX4A product page at


With the new Q-SYS 9.12 release, the QIO-LVR4 is introduced, enabling streamlined interoperability with non-networked control devices via low-voltage relay connectivity. It is available from the Inventory within Control > Control I/O.

For more information, see the QIO-LVR4 product page at

PS-TSCG3 Touchscreen Paging Station

The PS-TSCG3 Touchscreen Paging Station debuts in Q-SYS 9.12. This is the newest touchscreen paging station that pairs with the TSC-70-G3 touchscreen and Q-SYS control engine to enable paging applications across transportation, education, hospitality, entertainment, and beyond. It is available from the Inventory within Audio - Q-LAN > Page Stations.

For more information, see the PS-TSCG3 Touchscreen Paging Station product page at


PL-CA Loudspeaker Voicing Update

Q-SYS v9.12 includes improved voicing for PL-CA coaxial loudspeakers.

Note: It is recommended that any Q-SYS design deploying PL-CA loudspeakers should be updated to v9.12.

AES67 RX/TX Components Support L16 Encoding

The AES67 RX/TX Components now support L16 encoding. The lack of which previously resulted in “Packet Missing” and “Size Mismatch” errors when interfacing with devices utilizing L16 encoding.


Enhanced NC Camera Controls for Optimal Performance

Q-SYS v9.12.0 introduces new controls to enhance the performance of your NC Camera. You can now adjust the Peak Frame Bitrate directly from the Mediacast Streams tab, which helps prevent network congestion and packet loss. Additionally, Ethernet Flow Control can be enabled from the Status tab, allowing your camera to auto-negotiate with the Ethernet Switch for smoother data transmission. For more information, visit Status/Control (Cameras).

USB Endpoints available in Q-SYS Help

USB Endpoints tracking has been added to the help page, allowing customers to access information about the maximum allowed USB endpoints for supported devices. For more information, visit USB Endpoints.

USB Reset trigger button available in the Status Component

A USB Reset / Hot-plug trigger button is now available within the Status Component. It has been added to the following devices:

  • NV-32-H Cores / Peripherals
  • NV-21-HU
  • Core 110f
  • Core Nano
  • Core 8 Flex
  • TSC-G3 Touch Panels
  • I/O USB Bridge
    This button re-initializes the USB driver without the need for a full design redeploy, restoring connections and USB functionality after a few seconds.


Enhancements to UCI Controller

Q-SYS Designer v9.12 adds enhancements to the UCI Controller designed for scalability and ease of use for programmers managing room controls and device scripts.

Snapshots Integration: You can utilize Snapshots with the UCI Controller to associate snapshot banks with room controls seamlessly. This feature allows you to use Snapshot.GetNames() to find the relevant bank for a room's controls and manage individual banks using Snapshot.Load and Snapshot.Save.
Notifications Integration: The UCI Controller supports Notifications, enabling you to associate device scripts with room controls efficiently. For instance, a UCI script can publish a notification like “Power On” to a room-specific notification (e.g., Room123Notifications). All device control scripts in that room can listen to this notification and respond accordingly.

Lua Accessing Controls with Decimal Names

Some controls have names that are frequencies with a decimal. To access these controls, you will have to escape the decimal in their script. Visit Accessing Controls with Decimals more information.


Improved notification for AES67 Receiver Channel Count Mismatch

The AES67 receiver now provides a clear notification when there is a channel count mismatch between the receiver and the stream, preventing confusion and making it easier to diagnose the issue.

AES67 Receiver Auto-Discovery Enhancement

The AES67 Rx auto-discovery now supports reading the ts-refclk from the SDP global attribute. This improvement ensures compatibility with devices that rely on a global ts-refclk attribute, enhancing the robustness and flexibility of AES67 stream handling.

WAN Transmitter Enhancement

WAN Transmitters now support multicast for more efficient distribution of multi-channel streams across local and wide area networks.

PTP Priority Settings for Redundant Core

You can now set different PTP Priority 2 values for the Primary and Backup Cores.This enhancement allows control over which Core is the preferred clock master, regardless of their MAC addresses, to reduce disruptions during maintenance or system downtime.

External USB Properties

An External USB tab has been added to Status/Control components for the TSC-70-G3 and TSC-101-G3. For more information, visit the Controls section of the Status/Control (Touch Screen).

Expanded Networking Details

Q-SYS v9.12 introduces a Network section in the Controls of Core and Peripheral status blocks, providing essential networking details. Please note that this feature is not currently available for QIO devices. For more information, visit the Controls section of your desired Core or Peripheral.

Note: Q-SYS Peripherals have never been capable of being PTP clock leaders; however, now they will no longer attempt to become, or report themselves as being, clock leaders in situations when they cannot locate or sync to an established clock leader.

NV-21-HU: AV Bridging License

In version 9.12 and later, the AV Bridging License is no longer required for NV-21-HU.

End User License Agreement (EULA) and Policy Changes

When you install Q-SYS Designer Software v9.12.0, you will be presented with an updated EULA. To accept the agreement, simply check the box that says "I accept..." which also includes the QSC Privacy Policy.

Performance Data Collection

The first time you open Q-SYS Designer v9.12.0 (or higher), a popup will appear asking if you would like to participate in data collection. This prompt will be shown for each individual user.

The selection is not permanent and can be changed at any time. If you initially agreed to data collection but later decide to opt out, you can do so by unchecking the box in Diagnostics. Conversely, if a you initially declined but later want to participate, you can check the box to opt in.

Note: Q-SYS does not collect any personally identifiable information as part of the data collection efforts. Data collected only refers to product, system, and room usage.

Q-SYS Designer Installer

Upon installation, Q-SYS Designer Installer will check for the directory structure in C:\\Users\\<userdir>\\Documents\\QSC\\Q-SYSDesigner and create it if it does not already exist.

Inventory Picker Discontinued Items

To clean up the Inventory Picker, recently discontinued, but still supported, hardware has been moved behind the “Show Discontinued” checkbox. If you do not see the hardware device you’re looking for, check the “Show Discontinued” option.

Resolved Known Issues

  • Audio: The issue with the QIO status showing “LAN A connection Failure” after updating has been resolved.
  • Audio: The issue of the second channel becoming inaccessible and leading to unconfigurable E-H settings when transitioning designs from any DPA amplifier to any CX-Q amplifier using Properties has been resolved.
  • Amplifiers: An issue that would cause amplifies in larger designs (30+ Cores and 50+ Peripherals) to show "Compromised - High CPU Usage: 100%" has been resolved.
  • Video: The issue with NV-21-HU allowing 1080p30 YUY2 bridging has been resolved.
  • Video: The issue with NC camera streams failing when switching Mediacast routers on NV-21-HU USB Bridges is resolved.
  • Video: The issue with NV-21-HU displays not working with laptop input sources in a multicast setup has been resolved.
  • Video: The camera streaming issue to the NV-21-HU USB Bridge has been resolved.
  • Video: USB-C is no longer unable to establish a valid format when using an NV-21-HU and HP ZBook Firefly Gen 9.
  • Video: The issue with the AV stream router incorrectly switching to a value of 0 has been resolved.
  • Video: Designs that have two or more cameras connected to a Mediacast Router and a USB-C source no longer experience issues with the USB Video Bridge when switching between camera sources.
  • Video: The intermittent video scanning issue when switching video sources on the NV-21-HU decoder has been resolved.
  • Video: When upgrading QDS to version 9.12.0, NV-21-HU's no longer experience video distortion with green pixelation.
  • Video: Resolved an issue that would cause NV-21-HU HDMI input failure, requiring two reboots before HDMI worked.
  • Video: The “Packet Missing” error with NV-32-H encoders has been resolved.
  • Video: NV-21-HU Decoder no longer experiences LAN A packet loss under specified conditions with upstream NV-21-HU Encoder.
  • Video: Improved an issue where NV-32-H Encoder encounters an error “Fault- Not Receiving video from <encoder name="">”.
  • Video: The issue with Audio USB Bridging enumeration failure due to Windows Registry requiring unique USB Bridging names is resolved.
  • Video: NV-21-HU's USB-C input now correctly displays audio channels when connected to a Generic AV Source without graying out.
  • Video: To avoid confusion during a KTM firmware upgrade, a status message will indicate “Initializing - USB firmware is being upgraded. Do not reboot.”
  • Video: NC-110 devices can now successfully save the 802.1x configuration, stopping the error: “802.1x settings save failed for LAN A.”
  • Control: Resolved an issue where TSC-101-G3 and TSC-70-G3 panels experienced a UCI reload loop.
  • Control: An issue that would cause QDS to slow when using a lot of plugins has been resolved.
  • Control: The issue where changing properties on the "Is Managed" plugin resets the script access level is resolved.
  • Control: The issue with TSC-101-G3 and TSC-70-G3 panels getting stuck in an “initializing” state has been resolved.
  • Control: Resolved an issue that caused some controls within a State Trigger Button and/or ComboBox within a UCI Toolbox to not activate when accessing the UCI from a physical TSC or UCI Viewer.
  • Control: TSC G2 and G3 Popup Buttons are no longer experiencing issues rendering.
  • Control: Cameras in Q-SYS Designer now remain in place when moved into or out of Containers, eliminating unintended returns to the Inventory.
  • Platform: The issue causing unexpected redundant Core failovers and runtime engine crashes, as evidenced by the stacktraces, has been resolved.
  • Platform: Resolved the issue of the Loop Player suddenly experiencing an audio delay when clocked to PTP.
  • Platform: Two or more speakers inside a Container no longer can be wired to the same Amplifier output.
  • Platform: The issue where all GPIO inputs on the Core 8 Flex are set to “on” at startup has been fixed.
  • Platform: Appropriate X-Content-Type-Options and HSTS headers have been added to Q-SYS Peripherals to address related vulnerabilities.
  • Platform: PA Global Priority settings no longer revert to defaults during a Core failover when using Redundant Cores with Access Control enabled in designs with PA routers.
  • Platform: Media Stream Receivers are no longer unable to receive Multicast Streams.
  • Platform: The Inspector now correctly shows that only a scripting license is required for plugins or scripts.
  • Platform: Q-SYS Designer no longer erroneously allows multiple Control Pin inputs to be wired to one destination.
  • Platform: The AES67 RX/TX Components now support L16 encoding the lack of which previously resulted in “Packet Missing” and “Size Mismatch” errors when interfacing with devices utilizing L16 encoding.
  • Platform: The issue of the Dante Controller not displaying details for any Core under the Device tab or the Clock Status tab has been resolved.
  • Platform: AES67 Receiver streams no longer show "Not Found" after a design push.
  • Platform: The issue where the core stops responding to SNMP queries in Dolby Theaters has been resolved.
  • Platform: QIO, NL, and NM series peripherals now report 802.1x port authentication status in Peripheral Manager.
  • Platform: Q-SYS Designer no longer fails to install when the linked folder is deleted or lacks necessary permissions.
  • Platform: The issue with the Q-SYS Cores crashing during a penetration test using Nessus software has been resolved.
  • Platform: The issue where the license requirement notification doesn’t always appear when it should has been resolved.
  • Platform: The issue with incremental numbers on wire tags has been resolved.
  • Platform: Resolved the issue of exceeding the USB endpoint limit when using Advanced USB Audio on Core 110f, Core 8 Flex, and Core Nano has been resolved.
  • Platform: The issue where multiple ad-hoc event settings in the Command Schedule were tied to one another has been resolved.
  • Management: Redundant Core firmware upgrades no longer result in 'Unavailable' status on the Q-SYS Reflect Status page.

Downgrade Notices

If you are downgrading to version 9.9.x or earlier from version 9.12.x:

If downgrading locally, you must first downgrade to version 9.10.x.
If downgrading via Reflect, you can downgrade directly to the desired earlier version.
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