Micro850Rockwell Automation

Adding I/O via EtherNet/IP?

I am trying to add remote I/O to a Micro850 using Ethernet/IP

The device has been setup in RSLinx using the EDS file etc.

Everything is communicating I just need to add the device to my Connected Components project so that I can accessthe I/O

The decice is a SMC EX260-SEN1

Do I need to use the AOP file ?

user90803 / newcomer (8)


Top answer

Yes, to use the I/O of the SMC EX260-SEN1 device in your Connected Components project, you must import the AOP (Add-On Profile) file for the device in your project.
An AOP file contains information about the functions and properties of the device, as well as the configuration data necessary to use it in a Rockwell Automation system. Importing the AOP file into your project enables support for the device in your development environment and allows you to access the I/O of the device.
You can typically download the AOP file from the device manufacturer's website and then import it into Connected Components by clicking "Add-On-Profiles" in the project tree and then going to "Import". There, select the downloaded AOP file and follow the instructions to import it. After you import the AOP file, you can use the device in your Connected Components project and access the I/O.

highmo / expert (2350)

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