Flip 2 (WM55R/WM65R)Samsung
Flip 2 (WM55R/WM65R)

How well does screen sharing work?

How good is the Miracast function of the Samsung Flip 2 with a Win 10 laptop?

user2229 / expert (1158)


Top answer

Screen sharing from a laptop to a flip works great. Even the touch input from the flip is transmitted wirelessly to the laptop. In itself, the transmission is also stable. However, we already had a laptop model series with which the transmission did not work at all (the connection breaks directly).

over9k / expert (2327)

We have notebooks from Lenovo in use - from B71 to L14. The older models (B71 to T470) partly required an update to be able to connect them wirelessly. However, the touch function only works partially on these old notebooks.

user97077 / enthusiast (200)

Laptop to Flip works. But other way around from Flip to laptop for online meeting nothing works.

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