
Samsung Flip compatible with Cisco Webex

Industry leaders Samsung and Cisco have come together to transform the modern workplace with Webex on Flip (WM55R/WM65R). The partnership unites Cisco's innovative Webex collaboration platform on Samsung's Flip technology. Together with Cisco Webex Room Kit Mini device (Codec, Camera, Speakers, Microphones) it sums up to a multi-way collaboration solution: Real-time, 2-way white boarding, so participants in different locations can share the same screen and make live edits or annotations.

Users can use the Webex mode for calling and sharing content and the Flip mode for local presentations, drawing and cocreation. The touch screen allows to navigate between Webex mode and Flip mode.

Receive Important Update Messages Stay tuned for upcoming Samsung Flip 2 (WM55R/WM65R) updates
The manufacturer Samsung has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

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