
Various improvements and new functions


**Batch reports

  • KOP definition templates (csv files) for Brewhouse, Coldblock and Filtration revised.

Weighing and Scales

  • "StorageStatus" corrected for all storage location groups.

Technological modules

  • Message type for warnings corrected.

**Route Control

  • Column optimization improved.


  • Display properties improved for transparency.

**Route Control

  • Rest position monitoring corrected for S7-1500.
  • Control mode corrected for CE elements without
    rest position monitoring.

Technological blocks

  • Correction of erroneous
    configuration error messages for unused instances.

**Technological blocks

  • Correction of faulty configuration error messages for unused instances.
  • Reset of result simulation after one-time execution.

Weighing and scales

  • Correction of range length error in FB 644, if StorageLocGroupNo = 0.
  • Correct instance name in Object name column for scales messages.


  • Correction of Excel import with deleted object classes in Excel queue.


  • Increase of the maximum number of allowed TextElements from 32767 to 65535.

Technological blocks

  • No cyclic messages in case of limit value violation.


  • Individual curve colors can also be configured instance-specifically for modal image blocks.
  • Correct display of duration for hidden values.
  • Easy value input during fast process value changes using the "Edit" button.
  • Correct reference of release within dynamic process images.

Technological blocks

  • "xUnitOccupied" can be manually reset to make the sterile monitoring time behave as expected, even if for "Sequence" a
    group assignment (GRUP_TA) exists.
  • Accurate message text in case of limit violation.

New functions

SMTSEQ - Solids Transport SequenceWith the SMTSEQ system modules you control a solids transport sequence of up to 16 elements (single control elements, ESG). When starting/stopping the sequence or in the event of a fault, the elements must be switched on or off in the correct sequence:

  • Switching on in descending order
  • Switching off in ascending order
    In this way, material overflow or damage to the conveyor can be prevented. The
    elements are numbered in ascending order.
    The SMTSEQ solids transport sequence is only enabled for an S7-1500.

ModeTableViewer - Graphical representation of the function catalog.In the RCS engineering tool you have the possibility to display the individual partial paths of the projected path graphically.
Visualization of the StackLight Control in BRAUMAT/SISTARVia the StackLight OCX you have the possibility to place and display a collective display of the monitored objects in a process screen in BRAUMAT/SISTAR.
**StorageLocationVia the control "StorageCtrl" the following functions can be monitored for a storage location or component.

  • Display of the assigned scale
  • Display of container level
  • Display of outlet valves for coarse and fine flow
  • Storage component and component ID
  • Priority of the storage component
  • Release of the storage component for product processing
Version: V8.0.2 Link
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