S7-PCT V3.5 SP3 Upd2 for IO-Link Master
New features in PCT version V3.5 SP3 update 2:
- Automatic access to the IODD database
- Check of the binary signature at startup
New features in PCT version V3.5 SP3 update 1:
- Automatic access to the IODD database
New features in PCT version V3.5 SP3:
- Support of PLC password protection
- Support of the two IO-Link masters ET 200eco PN 6ES7148-6JE00-0BB0 and 6ES7148-6JJ00-0BB0
- Integration of an AML import and an AML export interface
- Integration of new IODDs and latest IO-Link standards
- Support of Windows 10 LTSB/LTSC and Windows 11
Important notes
The following functions are no longer included compared to the previous version 3.5 SP2 Upd3:
- Windows 7 / Windows Server 2012