
New Features and Bug Fixes

Industrial Edge State Service 2.9.0

New Features:
1- Adding Memory Limit Check setting to backups

  • Backups contain the Memory Limit Check set on a device
  • The Memory Limit Check can be disabled on a device to install more applications on a device that would otherwise exceed the device's memory limit
  • Restoring a device with Memory Limit Check disabled to a target device that limits the number of installed apps causes the restore to fail​
  • If a Memory Limit Check in a backup is disabled, the user gets warned when restoring the backup.
  • Be careful - the Memory Limit Check setting is not restored on the device.
    Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that prevented to start the service in an OpenShift cluster
  • Security updates of underlying components

Industrial Edge Identity And Access Management 1.7.0

New Features:
1- Use Industrial Edge Management accounts in Industrial Edge Devices

  • Login over IEM to device accepts a time offset between IEM and IED.​
  • OIDC Provider API offers an endpoint for configuring accepted time offset.​

2- Automatic redirect to login page of device

  • A user, who is attempting to access an app without logging in, will be automatically redirected to the login page. After successfully logging in, the device will redirect the user back to the app.​

Bug Fixes:

  • Security Updates of underlying components

Industrial Edge Provisioning CLI 1.0.23

Bug Fixes:

  • Security Updates of underlying components

Industrial Edge Device Catalog 1.18.2

Bug Fixes:

  • Security Updates of underlying components​
  • Data inconsistencies in firmware job histories and states have been fixed.
  • Styling of firmware release note has been adjusted to show table format.

Industrial Edge Management App 1.18.10

Bug Fixes:

  • Security Updates of underlying components​.
  • Minor Bug fixes done.

Industrial Edge Device Kit 1.19.0

New Features:
1-Secure Storage V2​

  • App developers can utilize secure storage to safeguard their sensitive data.​

2-Twin Service

  • Introduction of the bidirectional twin service, along with an example showcasing synchronized device log settings.

3-Resource Manager

  • Resource Metadata: Showing additional resource metadata information, for CPU and Network devices.
  • Display of supported device features in the Edge Management system: GPU allocation, CPU allocation, NIC allocation.

4-Automatic redirect to login page of device

  • A user, who is attempting to access an app without logging in, will be automatically redirected to the login page. After successfully logging in, the device will redirect the user back to the app.​

5-OIDC Provider API

  • OIDC Provider API offers an endpoint for configuring accepted time offset between OIDC Provider and device.​

6-Memory monitoring

  • Display of average memory consumption and memory peak values over a time period set by the user in the statistics page of the device.
  • User will also get alert notifications if the memory consumption crosses a warning or a critical limit set by the user.

Bug Fixes:

  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: network settings cannot be changed
  • We fixed a bug, where increasing browser memory usage on "Edge Device Unavailable" screen until page crashes
  • We fixed a bug, where Redirect via tile does not work
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Onboarding process keeps on loading even device was shutdown and something went wrong error is shown
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Activation window gets closed when onboarding is going on and user refresh page
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: 503 Error appears on activate-log window (Download Logs, DNS IEM)
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Logging & Monitoring log level is not matched with system settings
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Error message is different when user onboard device with already onboarded activation json
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Error message is not consistent when user provide wrong username for proxy in onboarding file
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: JSON message displayed when onboarding file is expired and user tried to activate device with same file
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Error message is creating confusion when user try to onboard device with file which has L2 last digit is odd number
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: POST query is displayed as error message when IEM certificates are expired and user try to onboard device on it
  • We fixed a bug, where IEDK: Multiple errors are displayed when user try to onboard edge with already activated device json file

Flow Creator v1.17.2, Flow Creator(arm64) v1.2.2, Configurator v1.10.0​

New Features:

Flow creator configurator API is now public. API spec can be found here:

Bug Fixes:

  • Included bugs and security fixes.

Databus v3.0.0​

New Features:
1-Databus Gateway is now part of Databus.​​​​
2-Separate installation of Databus gateway isn't required anymore to push data from connectors who communicates through GRPC to Databus
3-User can save up to ~240 MB of RAM

Bug Fixes:

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Improved security by fixing vulnerability issues.

Edge OPC UA Server V2.1.5​

Bug Fixes:

  • Edge OPC UA server now can be configured with a DNS name of the device
  • Security updates of underlying components

Edge Management Service v1.0.0

New Features:
1-Configure file-based log settings in the Industrial Edge Management
Previously, to modify file-based log settings such as log level, users had to log in to the device and adjust these settings via the device's web ui. Now, this functionality is available in the Logs Tab of the device detail page, integrated within the Industrial Edge Management.

Version: Industrial Edge 06/24 Link
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