
How to access the DBs for a webPage ?

Hi I have for project to make a webpage in wich you get access to the differents database inside a project and after compare the data inside with another. My question is how do I call all the database in my webpage to after filter them to get the informations I need ? I search everywhere but mobody have the right answer to be more precise I don't want to get just one of the dbs but all of them.

roblaqu01 / newcomer (5)


Top answer

I am not sure if I have understood the structure correctly. But you want to collect the databases from several S7 in a central place and then access the central place with your website.

  • For this I would use TDS.Siemens.
  • You create a SQL server, which gets the SQL database from all S7-1200/1500 and reads it in. Then you can manage the data centrally from your SQL server.

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