
New Enhancements

Changed features from V1.1.9 to V1.1.11:

  1. Adjustments to the test procedures of the Keysigth test system at the end of the loading process
  2. During charging, an incorrect value is transmitted for the out.ev.limits.maxCurrentInAmpere value
  3. Change in the precharge phase with regard to a change to state B during this phase (see 109826667)
  4. Activation of the simulation option with PLC SIM in the DIN 70121 function module
  5. In DIN 70121 FB, the SOC value (State Of Charge) was only transferred once
  6. DIN 70121 FB was also created for TIA version V15.1
    Info: the update function via function module according to the documentation chapter. 5.4.2 is not possible with UPD files. Files for this function have the extension ECC and are currently not yet published.
Version: V1.1.11 Link
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