
Support of integration for configurations of SIMOCODE in a new version o


✔️ Dynamic resetting of SFB52 "RDREC", SFB53 "WRREC" and SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" calls in the CPU buffer memory during the first download has been changed such that only blocks in Temporary error state will be reset: ( MMDiag, MMOprtn, MMMea, MMStat, MMLog)

✔️ Cyclic reading of SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" at MMOprtn block has been modified such that the system function call will be read-only during device state change (Module Fault, Rack Fault, and Group Fault).

✔️ Feature. Bit 29 has been provided in MMOprtn block to suppress reading of Station Diagnostic information (SFC13 -"DPNRM_DG").

✔️ Support of integration for configurations of SIMOCODE pro behind IE/PB Link HA.

Resolved Issue/s:

? An increase in CPU load during the update of the SIMOCODE pro-V9.0 SP3 library has been fixed by optimizing the SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" at the MMOprtn block.

Version: Link
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