SIPLUS extreme ET 200SPSiemens
SIPLUS extreme ET 200SP

What are the communication protocol expansion limits?

What is the exact number of supported modules and bytes per protocol for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, MODBUS TCP, and PROFIBUS?

joe-kaye / enthusiast (179)


Top answer

When it comes to different communication protocol limits, we can separate them into two different groups - PROFIBUS on one side and the other three mentioned on the other side, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, MODBUS TCP.

These two groups can support the functioning of a certain number of modules and a data transmission speed:


  • up to 64 I/O modules
  • up to 1440 bytes (depending on the protocol)


  • up to 32 I/O modules
  • up to 244 bytes of user data including quality information
  • up to 244 bytes of parameters (this limit value only applies for configuring via a GSD file)

finlay-r / enthusiast (112)

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