
Multiuser in Openness and much more.


Describe what has improved

Bug fixes

  • Stability when working with TIA Portal has been improved based on feedback from returned crash reports, among other things.
  • As of V17, multiuser is supported in Openness. Therefore it is also possible to display add-ins in a local session of a multiuser project. To do this, add the "DisplayInMultiuser" element in the configuration file.

Open issues

Describe what has not been fixed yet

Important notes

  • If there is an F-CPU in the project, you have to log in to the Safety Administration Editor to compare an object of the project with the corresponding file in the workspace.
    to be able to
  • To work with the version TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway V17.0.05 Update 5 it is required that you have the
    Teamcenter version V14.0.0.0 installed.
Version: V17 Up5 Link
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