TIA PortalSiemens
TIA Portal

What programming languages does TIA Portal support?

What programming languages does TIA Portal support?


Top answer

The TIA Portal supports several programming languages:

  • S7-300/400 (Step 7): A proprietary programming language designed specifically for process automation, enabling use in industrial automation.
  • Graphical programming: TIA Portal supports several graphical programming formats, including Ladder Diagram (LAD), Function Block Diagram (FBD) and Sequential Function Chart (SFC).
  • CFC (Continuous Function Chart): A graphical programming that is easy to understand and allows easy integration with S7-300/400.
  • STL (Statement List): A text-based programming language that is easy to learn and simple to understand.
  • AWL (Address Word List): A text-based programming language that is easy to learn and easy to understand.
  • C# and Visual Basic .NET: TIA Portal also supports .NET languages that can be used to create applications that communicate directly with Siemens automation solutions.

TIA Portal allows you to use several programming languages in a single development environment to develop and integrate your automation solutions.

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