
New Enhancements

TIA Portal Version Control Interface
The Version Control Interface (VCI) enables the connection and use of any versioning system, e.g. VCI, GIT, together with TIA Portal. VCI offers the export or import of all program components, such as blocks, user data types, from the TIA project and displays the current comparison status at the object. The functionality of the Version Control Interface (VCI) is available both in the UI of the TIA Portal and at the Openness interface.
The following new features are available in V19:

  • A project can be connected to an existing workspace in a single step. This reduces the number of manual steps that were previously necessary.
  • Languages that are used in a SimaticML file but are not defined as project languages can be automatically activated as additional project languages during import. The functionality is available in both the UI and the Openness interface.
  • The Openness interface now offers a more efficient method for initially calculating the comparison status between an object in the project and the corresponding file in the workspace.

TIA Portal User Management & Access Control (UMAC)
The TIA Portal project offers integrated user management. For consistent access protection, user roles can be configured with function rights for engineering and runtime. Users and user groups can also be managed centrally through the connection of TIA Portal to a UMC domain.
TIA Portal V19 includes the following new features:

  • New function right "View users and roles" for the "Users and roles" editor
  • Login dialog remembers the set user type.

TIA Portal Openness
TIA Portal Openness is the uniform interface for digital engineering in TIA Portal.
It provides a user programming interface for automating TIA Portal Engineering tasks and workflows in the value chain: Data exchange, automation of production planning, automation of product engineering, automation of project verification, and automation of execution and services.
A comprehensive overview can be found on the TIA Portal Openness topic page 109792902
Highlighted API extensions in TIA Portal Openness V19 are:

  • Long-term support and compatibility
  • More flexible handling of SimaticML files
  • Extended access to the hardware configuration
  • Extended hardware data exchange
  • Online scenarios
  • STEP 7 extensions
  • New API functions in additional option packages: Test Suite Advanced, WinCC Unified, Startdrive

TIA Portal CAx
The Cax interface provides you with the option of exchanging hardware information in AutomationML format between the TIA Portal and ECAD systems in accordance with the Application Recommendation Automation Project Configuration (AR APC) standard. In addition to exchanging devices, modules and networks, selected parameters can also be exchanged with ECAD systems. The definitions of the available parameters can be easily determined using the CAx Publication Tools and can then be imported into other tools.

The following new features are available in V19:

  • With V19, the TIA Portal supports the exchange of AutomationML files according to version 1.4 of the Application Recommendation Automation Project Configuration (AR APC).
  • For communication objects (interfaces, ports, nodes and subnets) the exchange of the available openness attributes via so-called Custom Attributes in AutomationML is now available using AutomationML.
  • The exchangeable attributes can be determined for modules that are described using MDD or GSDML and made available for partner systems such as ECAD systems. With the CAx Publication Tools, the exchangeable openness attributes can be easily determined and stored in various file formats for further processing by partner tools.

TIA Portal Add-Ins
Add-ins offer a convenient way to expand TIA Portal functionality via the Openness API. Add-ins are written as .NET programs and can be easily redistributed within an organization and also distributed to third-party providers.

For V19, the following improvements are available in the area of Add-Ins:

  • An additional authorization for add-ins (Full Trust) has been introduced, which allows an add-in to be run with all user rights. This allows, for example, the use of interop assemblies by an add-in that has this authorization.
  • With the TIA Portal add-in development tools provided for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and 2022 and Visual Studio Code, the Full Trust authorization can be set for a new add-in and a reason given to the user as to why this authorization is required.
  • The administrator of a company can now trust add-ins so that they can be used by the user without additional activation by the user.

Engineering Optionen
TIA Portal Multiuser Engineering & TIA Projekt-Server
With Multiuser Engineering in TIA Portal, you can work with multiple users together and simultaneously on a project. By processing different objects in parallel within a multiuser project, you can significantly shorten the project planning and commissioning times.

The following new functions are available with Multiuser Engineering V19:

  • Newly supported object types in a local session:
  • TIA Portal Test Suite Rules
  • WinCC Unified screens, HMI alarms and HMI tags
  • New "Exclusive multiuser mode"
  • The new exclusive multiuser mode enables quick changes to objects that cannot be edited in a local session, e.g. changes to the device configuration.
  • The exclusive multiuser mode is started from the local session without closing the local session. All changes in the local session are preserved and are available in the exclusive session.
  • The requirement for quickly switching to the exclusive session is that the local session is based on the current project status.
  • Significant reduction in runtime for transferring changes from an exclusive session to the TIA Project server.

TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway
The Teamcenter Gateway enables you to save and manage TIA Portal projects and global libraries in Teamcenter. Operator control is integrated into the TIA Portal.

TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway V1 offers the following new functions:

  • Support for Active Workspace Client (AWC) V6.2. The slim, configurable and expandable web client from Teamcenter
  • View TIA Portal automation project/library and related properties in AWC
  • Link between TIA Portal objects and Teamcenter artifacts. For example, motor type artifacts can be linked to the motor program block
  • Open a TIA Portal project / TIA Portal library via the AWC.
  • Respond quickly and easily to track, navigate, and adapt the machine control program in the TIA Portal from the AWC
  • Compatibility supported are the Teamcenter versions 13.2/13.3/14.1/14.2/14.3

TIA Portal Cloud Connector
The TIA Portal Cloud Connector makes it possible to access the local PG/PC interfaces and the SIMATIC hardware connected to them from TIA Portal Engineering in a Cloud environment.

  • What's new as of TIA Portal Cloud Connector V1.2 SP3
  • Multi-device registration: A user device can be registered to multiple remote devices at the same time. This enables multiple TIA Portal Cloud users to access SIMATIC hardware via the same Cloud Connector.
  • What's new as of TIA Portal Cloud Connector V1.2 SP4
  • Changed the default setting of the logs to increase security.
  • You can find additional information and the download for the current TIA Portal Cloud Connector in the following entry: 109780755

TIA User Management Component
The User Management Component (UMC) provides the capability for central user administration. Through the connection to the TIA Portal, users and user groups can be defined and managed across projects. Connection to a Microsoft Active Directory is also possible.
The following new features are provided with the components for TIA Portal V19:

  • The configuration limits for operating UMC in larger infrastructures have been expanded. UMC can now synchronize itself in a network with up to 300 Runtime servers per ring server.
  • More flexibility when designing the UMC infrastructure, e.g. operation of a UMC server per production cell.
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