multiMATIC App
Login ?
I tey to login the app with the correct username and pasword but it always says its incorrect even i am 100% sure its correct and i did not change my login or pasword
I tey to login the app with the correct username and pasword but it always says its incorrect even i am 100% sure its correct and i did not change my login or pasword
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Gateway update during initialization?
System initialising:
Gateway update (20min) working continuously
System identification 3im ok
Reading the time period (2min) ok
Reading system sata (5min) ok
I don't know what to do.
Gateway Update?
Hello ,
I have yesterday the VR921 connected.
In the APP is the following Indicated "The system is initialized"
V System data read (c. 5 min)
V Time window...
Register failed ?
Register to smartphone error
I am in the process of making my heating system smart
I have Vaillant EcoCompact VSC 146
Room controller MultiMATIC 700/6
I wanted to...
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