Solaro FR1
Can the Xilica FR1 be scaled to meet the needs of projects of different sizes?
Can the Xilica FR1 be scaled to meet the needs of projects of different sizes?
Can the Xilica FR1 be scaled to meet the needs of projects of different sizes?
Yes, the Xilica FR1 is scalable and can meet the requirements of projects of different sizes. The ability to equip the digital signal processor with different I/O cards from the Solaro series allows for flexible configuration according to the specific needs of the project. This scalability allows the input and output capacities of the system to be adjusted to support both smaller and larger audio applications.
Yes, the Xilica FR1 is adaptable and can meet the requirements of projects of different sizes. The ability to equip the digital signal processor with different I/O cards from the Solaro series allows the system to be flexibly configured according to the specific requirements of the project. This adaptability allows the system's input and output capacities to be modified to support both smaller and larger audio applications.
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Can 2 or more Solaro FR1 be cascaded/stacked for doubling++ the number of I/O where larger projects are involved?
How do you cascade 2 or more Solaros FR1 processors when a project needs more I/Os than available on a single FR1 processor?
Are Xilica products compatible with Barco ClickShare products?
Are Xilica products compatible with Barco ClickShare products?
Is there any special software needed to configure and monitor the Xilica FR1?
Is there any special software needed to configure and monitor the Xilica FR1?
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