Zoom Inc. Zoom Rooms Support
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Zoom Inc. Zoom Rooms within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Zoom Inc. representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.

All questions about Zoom Inc. Zoom Rooms
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How do I integrate Google Calendar to Zoom Rooms?
Is it possible? Where can I set Google Calendar in the Zoom settings?
Are there touchscreen devices compatible with Zoom Rooms?
Will touchscreen equipment work in Zoom Rooms? Are there official devices optimized for Zoom Rooms?
How can I enable waiting room during a meeting?
If I am the meeting host, where can I enable the waiting room feature? I can't seem to find it from the available options.
What does the Waiting Room feature in Zoom Rooms do?
When enabled, what can you do with it? What are your s to manage participants?
How can I add a Touch device to an existing Zoom Room?
What does it require when you want to add a touch device and use it as a whiteboard in a Zoom Room? I want to...
Is Zoom Room a dedicated user or infrastructure?
Is a zoom room user owns a room or only software in which the user logs in with his own zoom licence.
How do I transcribe my Zoom meeting?
Attending a zoom meeting and taking part in discussions and taking notes was difficult until I found Marsview Notes a Zoom integrated application.
I found this...
Clean up the list of cameras?
after several tests, the dropdown list of cameras is filled with file corpses. Where and how can I clean them up?
Dual monitors with separate expanded speaker & gallery views?
As the participant in a physical fitness Zoom class I would like to be able to use two monitors and have the speaker/instructor on one...
Why does my connection drop when screen sharing?
I have the following problem: Generally, the Zoom meetings work and I can participate in them without any problems. However, as soon as the host...
Webinar showing PowerPoint and small video?
How do you share a PowerPoint on a webinar and also show the small window for the attendees to see the panelist speaking?
Thanks in advance
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