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Zoom Video Conferencing

Participant makes himself a host - !?

It has happened to me twice now in meetings that I run that a participant suddenly made himself the host. I couldn't even end the meeting, let alone take away his host rights.

I certainly didn't give him those rights myself. In the settings, passing on host rights is prevented at all levels, and co-hosts are not set up.

Asking the participant himself is pointless: Either it happened to him accidentally, in which case he doesn't know how, or he did it out of impudence, in which case he won't tell me.

How can such a thing happen? And how can I prevent it?

anna / newcomer (8)


Top answer

Did you accidentally click manage participants and add him as host?

Are you in a Webinar or regular meeting?

If it is a webinar then you have to have a co-host so you should adjust the settings.

If it is a regular meeting them I would do a few things. 1. Change your password and then go to the zoom webportal and under profile scroll down to click sign me out out of all devices. 2. In the same area change your host key. 3. Go to meetings, personal room and edit to make sure there are no alternative hosts listed on your meeting.


Another fail safe you can do is go to manage participants and click the more dropdown at the bottom. Click lock meeting as soon as the meeting starts. !

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