
Update for Zoom Team Chat

New or enhanced feature

Introducing the new and customizable sidebar experience in Team Chat

Team Chat introduces a new sidebar to organize and streamline chat communication, featuring a more intuitive, two-tiered navigation structure. Here's what's new:

  • A more intuitive layout: With the new default tabs for direct messages, channels, apps, folders, starred, shared spaces, and more, users can easily drag and reorder tabs for better organization.
  • Badging control: Users have the ability to customize badging at each tab level with three options: All messages, Mentions only, and Off.
    Starred chats and Folders as tabs: Users can access their important starred chats and folders as tabs, which can be added and reordered from the More tab.
  • Chat tools in the More tab: Users can find advanced chat tools like drafts, bookmarks, and external requests in the More tab by default, with the option to reorder them using drag and drop.
  • Enhancements to the All tab: Users can sort chats by recent or section views in the All tab to see a flat view or sectional view of their listed chats. This helps reduce toggle tax and scrolling fatigue.
  • Sent tab: A dedicated tab for users' sent messages, making it easier to track sent messages, shared files, and more.
    Meeting chat badging: Users can customize how individual meeting chat notifications are managed with a new setting to control unread count for each meeting chat.
  • Sorting and filters: Quickly find relevant chats with advanced sorting and filtering options, such as a Today filter on the Meeting chats tab.
    External connections: External requests has been renamed to External connections, which now includes a list of all external contacts for quicker access.
Version: Varies with device/platform Link
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