New Add-ons available: OptTronik Compressor, Bus Compressor
Additional Features
- New Add-ons available: OptTronik Compressor, Bus Compressor
- New Add-on bundles available: 'All V1.6', 'Compressor Pack 2'
- Support for SQ-Rack
- Support for SQ-Control app
- Stereo Matrices can now be split into two Mono Matrices
- New Cue Lists & Cue List Editor
- Support for MIDI Show Control GO, TIMED GO, LOAD and RESET messages
- Scene Crossfades functionality
- Finer granularity of Processing Scene Filters and SoftKeys / Soft Rotaries
- Simultaneous use of USB A and USB B for both 48kHz and 96kHz
- Output Polarity Switches on the I/O page
- Input & Mix Channels Meter Source Points
- Stereo States of Input and Mix Channels are now stored and recalled in Scenes
- Channel Strip Select SoftKey
- Ch To All Mix SoftKey
- Support for Active Sense MIDI
- Date and Time received from MixPad to timestamp files stored to USB
- ID-1940: USB system overhaul
- ID-1511: Lower latency USB streaming
- ID-1812: SQ-Drive Progress bar is now accurate for large recordings
- ID-2114: SQ-Drive load metering more accurate
- ID-2107: Copy/Paste/Reset supported with Processing and Routing screens
- ID-1231: Copy/Paste/Reset now works on Mix Select button when in GEQ Fader Flip
- ID-1964: Library key illuminates when Library is available for current screen
- ID-1967: 'Processing Screen Follows Surface' responds to PEQ Band Select buttons
- ID-1966: 'Processing Screen Follows Surface' ignores HPF when in PEQ screen
- ID-1063: Scene Name displayed on User Login
- ID-1479: Trim control on Bank View displayed when 'Preamp On Surface' turned Off
- ID-2057: Added Text for Mix External Input
- ID-2126: North toolbar layout changes to include selected channel and mix
- ID-1790: Added Acquiring DHCP IP Address indication on the Diagnostic Screen
- ID-1903: Users are now returned to the Login Screen when declining User Scene Recall
- ID-1823: 'FX Follow Sel' preference now applies to Mix Return Channels
- ID-1764: Improved visibility of DCA Member list
- ID-1810: Decoupled Preamp from Patch filters
- ID-1819: Increased Storage Timeouts to prevent USB faults
- ID-1370: Compressor Parallel Path values are now hidden when turned Off
- ID-1963: Improved gearing for the Opto Compressor
- ID-1845: Improved SQ remote app connection stability across different network conditions
Bug fixes
- ID-1998: Fixed issue where I/O Page could report incorrect patches
- ID-1946: Fixed Scene navigation SoftKeys could bypass User Scene Range
- ID-1858: Fixed issue with applying FX Unit Mix->Return to Insert change
- ID-1854: Fixed issue where invalid FX Return Channels are shown on Bank View
- ID-1818: Fixed footswitch Cancel clearing previous value
- ID-1982: Fixed issue where some received MIDI messages are echoed back to the Sender
- ID-1969: Fixed issue where incorrect MIDI can be sent on a Scene Change
- ID-1805: Fixed issue where the USB Library list updates incorrectly
- ID-1877: Fixed MIDI Control Port not correctly released after Network Change
- ID-1883: Fixed potential issue caused by interrupting Fader Firmware update
- ID-1838: Fixed issue where the end of multitrack playback can cause audio spikes
- ID-1941: Fixed FX Screen following channel selection for invalid Inserts
- ID-1822: Fixed possible freeze on boot due to network loop
- ID-1956: Fixed FX Send and Return channels accessible when FX is inserted
- ID-1999: Fixed PAFL not deactivating when changing FX Unit routing
- ID-1981: Fixed an issue where Gated Verb FX could cause crash
- ID-1851: Fixed an issue where Tap Delay could cause crash
- ID-1938: Fixed issue with high number of Playback Files
- ID-1864: Fixed issue where the MultiBD3 HF band displays the wrong level
- ID-1840: Fixed Firmware Update issue for DX164/DX012 connected to GX4816
- ID-1259: Fixed "In Use (Stereo)" display issue after USB-A formatting
- ID-1839: Fixed issue where noise was produced at beginning of SQ-Drive Stereo Playback
- ID-2257: Fixed issue where Soft Rotaries could change value on boot
- ID-2254: Fixed an issue when connecting 8 DX Devices via DX-Hub
Known issues
- Loss of power or unplugging a device during multi-track or stereo record may result in the current recording being lost.
Audio not passing when attempting to load an unavailable add-on
- When loading a show which uses an add-on not available in the installed firmware, a default processing unit will be loaded, but audio will not pass until the processing has been switched out. This can happen when a show saved on newer firmware is loaded into an SQ running older firmware.
Incorrect sync with MixPad when Mixer Config is changed
- Adjusting the Mixer Config on the desk will cause issues in the SQ-MixPad I/O Patch screen until the app has been disconnected and reconnected. For this reason, SQ-MixPad should only be connected after Mixer Config settings have been applied at the desk.
Loaded MixPad Offline show not copied when updating on PC/Mac
- When updating the SQ MixPad app on a PC or Mac, the show loaded in Offline mode is not automatically copied across to the new version. Best practice is to store the currently loaded show before updating, then install the new version of MixPad and recall the show being
worked on before uninstalling the older version.
Copying firmware files to a drive using macOS
- There is currently an issue when using macOS Sonoma or later to copy firmware files to a
USB drive, which prevents the firmware file from being found by the mixer.
To avoid this, use Windows, Bootcamp, Parallels or another device such as a tablet or
phone to copy the firmware file to the drive.
It is also possible to rename the file manually before copying.