The manufacturer Barco has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Miracast P2P Mode reliability improvements


  • Security patches and improvements.
  • Consistent short time to share when using a ClickShare Button
  • Miracast P2P Mode reliability improvements

Open Issues

  • Huddly S1/L1 doesn't get removed properly when unplugged

Important Notice

  • In order to start the ClickShare App on the Button automatically when plugging it in, version 1.20 of the ClickShare Windows Driver needs to be installed on the device. More information can be found in KB12204.
  • ClickShare Desktop App v4.30.2 or higher is required when using a Button to connect when the App is installed.
  • ClickShare Desktop App v4.17 or higher is required to allow over the air (Wi-Fi and ultrasound) detection of the Base Unit.
  • To optimize Wireless Presentation performance, we highly recommend to always use a free 5GHz Wi-Fi channel. Changes and settings could be applied via ClickShare Configurator.
  • Supports for Wireless Client Mode. A direct connection between the Button and the Base Unit is advised to better support Wireless Conferencing.
  • Performance issues may occur when the peripherals are attached to the back USB-A port since it has less bandwidth.
Version: Link
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