AV System Integration
Forum, Problems & Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The section below is a forum dedicated to Barco ClickShare CX-50 within the devicebase community. It provides a platform for users to discuss frequently asked questions (FAQs), share problems, and exchange helpful tips. Barco representatives and users can participate in these discussions. Users who contribute the most valuable answers and insights for a product are recognized as product experts. If you have any issues or require support, ask your questions to other devicebase users.
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ClickShare CX-50 with Flip 2 Touch feedback on Windows and Mac?
Can a ClickShare CX-50 be used to transfer touch feedback from a Flip 2 to Windows and Mac devices?
Clickshare connection errors and camera freezes?
For meetings and presentations we use a Barco Clickshare CX-50 in each of our two meeting rooms. Following setup is used in both:
Connection fails every few minutes?
we have major issues with our Clickshare setup. We use it in combination with a Logitech Rally System but its almost impossible to have a...
Why does a second ClickShare button not connect to BaseUnit?
Why does a second ClickShare button not connect to BaseUnit?
Button connected, button pressed nothing happens?
Button connected, button pressed nothing happens?
Where can I find updates for the Clickshare?
Where can I find updates for the Clickshare?
Can I also use the ClickShare as a 2nd monitor?
Can I also use the ClickShare as a 2nd monitor?
Can I share with any device on the Clickshare?
Can I share with any device on the Clickshare?
What options do I have to share content on Clickshare?
What options do I have to share content on Clickshare?
BARCO ClickShare CX-50 Standby issue?
I have a probem with my BARCO ClickShare CX-50 - after switching on the ClickShare Base Unit is still running as standby.
I upgrade frameware to...
Can security settings of the ClickShare be customized?
Can security settings of the ClickShare be customized?
Can the ClickShare play audio on the connected device?
Can the ClickShare play audio on the connected device?
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