The manufacturer Bose has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Added additional gain and mute control options in the input matrix

New Features

PowerShareX amplifiers: added Alarm/ Fault Panel

  • Set and monitor alarms and faults from one window
  • Alarm/Fault Panel adds thermal stress, standby, and GPO status monitors (which represent what is alarming out of the rear panel hardware GPO alarm outputs) to the CSD window so you can observe all these states from the single window
  • Moved pilot tone generator from the fixed signal block in Device View into the Alarm/Fault panel to allow configuration in the same window as the pilot tone alarms
  • Added ‘use settings from ch1’ feature to ch2-4 to expedite setting up multiple output channels with the same settings

PowerShareX amplifiers: Added additional gain and mute control options in the input matrix

Added New 3rd Party Control Support for PowerShareX and MSA12X

  • PowerShareX amplifiers: Q-Sys PSX Amplifier plugin v1.02.2 available for download for monitoring and control of PSX amplifiers from the Q-Sys Ecosystem
  • PowerShareX amplifiers: UDP Protocol document available for download which allows monitoring and control of PowerShareX amplifiers from other Control and Audio DSPs, for use when a Bose Professional DSP is not present in the design.
  • MSA12X: 5.13 Serial control protocol document available which includes 11 new commands for setting and monitoring MSA12X powered digital beam-steering array loudspeakers from other Control & Audio DSPs, including changing beam presets


  • PSX Amplifiers will now display amplifier output voltage in both peak and RMS values
  • CSD hardware manager changed the way to display the version information of the DanteFirmware from v3.000_build3 to v3.03.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixed defects where PowerShareX amplifier Clip and Peak limiter checkboxes were unlocked with Bose Professional Speaker EQ presets when they should be grayed out and locked.
  • Fixed defect where MSA12X standby state was not changing via param set recall when paired to EX processor
  • Fixed defect where MSA12X presets were not transferring from CSD to speaker correctly regarding Beam EQ bypass states
  • Fixed defect where Changes to MSA12X via serial command were not consistently reflected in CSD
  • Fixed defect where MSA12X active input can fail to update despite showing as 'Connected'
  • Fixed defect where MSA12X control panel can fail to render correctly if minimized and then restored in a specific sequence
  • Fixed defect where Alarm panel of PowerMatch and PowerShareD can be opened while offline
  • Fixed defect where Controls for the Band Pass of Speaker PEQ do not work as expected
  • Fixed defect where the display of controls for wires does not disappear and remain drawn: if you duplicate two blocks that are connected by wire(s), the controls for the wire(s) remain drawn, even if you delete the wire(s).
  1. Fixed defect where default settings of the Parameter Set Recall block get inappropriate
  • Fixed defect regarding the display of the firmware version of CC-xD on the Hardware Manager
  • Fixed defect of a mismatch of the output configuration of the PSX device not being detected when going online with download.
  • Fixed defect where Matrix and Limiters of PowerMatch devices have an "Add To Timer" option when they should not
  • Fixed defect where PSX Alarm of Thermal Stress is not reflected in several indicators in CSD
  • Fixed defect where 4 Channel PowerMatch Matrix could display glitched with left and right gain settings overlapping matrix crosspoint grid
  • Fixed defect where Signal Processing View of the PowerMatch may get inappropriate
  • Fixed defect where PSX device view had a wiring glitch when opening existing files
  • Fixed File read error when opening an existing PSX file with groups
  • Fixed defect where PSX Proxy Process crashes repeatedly when trying to go online with an existing file containing PSX devices
  • Fixed Defect where PSX Matrix in/out levels/mutes were not grouped when opening an existing design
  • Fixed defect where PSX alarm detected value units are a long way from correct values
  • Fixed defect with PowerMatch and PowerShareD amplifiers where CSD stalls out or crashes when attempting to go online after closing the Alarm Panel In a specific sequence
Version: 5.13.1 Link
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