CANopenCAN in Automation

Node ID Changes using LSS?

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Under DS301 Profile of CANOpen Standard, when the Node ID is Changed using LSS Functionality. Will the COBID of the Error Control and PDOs for Datas change as per new ID?

In one of the Sensor having CANOpen Functionality when we change the Node ID Using LSS and then After Power On/Off Cycle. COB ID of the EMCY Error Control only is getting changed. While Sensor is still sending the Data based on COBID based on the Old Node ID.

Is this normal?


Top answer

Under the DS301 profile of CANopen Standard the Node-ID is changed with the LSS functionality by sending a corresponding configuration request to the device. The COB-ID of the error control and the PDOs should normally change according to the new Node-ID, because they depend on the Node-ID.

If you have changed the Node ID and the sensor is still sending data based on the COB ID of the old Node ID, this could indicate that the device has not been configured properly or an error has occurred. Possible reasons for this could be:

  1. the device did not receive the new node ID correctly and did not configure it accordingly.
  2. there is an error in the configuration of the PDO objects that control the data transmission.
  3. there is an error in the implementation of CANopen communication in the sensor.

To solve the problem, I recommend you to check the configuration of the sensor and especially the PDO objects to make sure they are set up correctly. If the problem persists, I recommend that you contact technical support directly.

highmo / expert (2350)

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