The manufacturer Crestron has not yet set up its devicebase profile. Content such as updates, compatibilities and support may only be maintained with a delay.

Added support for C# programs targeting .NET6


  • Added support for C# programs targeting .NET6
  • NuGet package 2.20 or newer needs to be used.
  • Support for remote debugging will be enabled in a future update.
  • SIMPL# Libraries targeting .NET6 are not supported in SIMPL+
  • .NET Framework 4.7 is still supported.
  • Added support to update the AVFramework version using Auto Update.
  • Please refer to the documentation for more information.
  • Added support for the BACnet Relinquish Default property to be used in C# programs.

Resolved bugs:

  • Resolved an issue where a Scheduled Event could be deleted after creating multiple events and rebooting to control system.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a system in Secondary mode to start its program when the Primary device went offline.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent a program from stopping correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where programmatically getting the MAC address would return it in lower case instead of upper case.
  • Resolved an issue when disposing Crestron File Transfer Client instances.
  • When configuring SNMP through the WebUI, Auditlog would show passwords in cleartext.
  • BacnetRemoteStatusList console command would show ONLINE for all remote devices regardless of which adapter was selected.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Toolbox from opening the Security dialog in SNMP settings.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication in WebUI now correctly handles re-challenge when passcode is wrong.
  • AVFramework would show as disabled in the WebUI after a restore even though it was running.
  • IPV6CONFIG console command did not show lease expiration.
  • Resolved an issue where additional data was prepended to Unicode characters in SIMPL Debugger.
  • ConvertToAscii symbol would not propagate signals if the input was not UTF16
  • Newly added users would not always show on the Security tab in the WebUI.
  • Resolved an issue where UDP communication could be receiving sent packets from itself.
  • Resolved an issue where SNMP would not respond to bulk requests.
  • Removed expired certificates.

Additional Notes:

  • From firmware 2.8001.00041 and up, the following has changed:
  • This firmware enabled IPv6 support for the 4-Series Control Systems. IPv4 networking is still supported with this release.
  • IPv6 can be configured from the command line, as well as through the WebUI.
  • To use any IPv6 socket communication from SIMPL+ or SIMPL#, your program needs to be compiled with an updated database:
  • Device Database
  • Crestron Database
  • Include4.dat 2.19.036

Please see the IP Guidelines for the IT Professional document (Doc. 4579N) and OLH Article 1001836 for additional information on IPv6 networking.

  • SNMP cannot be enabled/disabled anymore through ENABLEFEATURE but should be enabled/disabled with SNMP ON/OFF console command.
  • When downgrading from 2.8001. firmware to 2.7000. firmware, any SNMP settings that were made while on 2.8001.* firmware will be removed.
Version: 2.8003.00037.01 Link
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