KNXKNX Association

Replace broken device?

I have broken knx multisensor that needs to be replaced with a new one. Unfortunatly the original project file doesn’ t exist anymore. Is there anyway to get parameters from the old sensor and download it to the new sensor? Old sensor is still in the line but one measurement is broken.


Top answer

Yes, it is possible to copy the parameters of the defective KNX Multisensor and transfer them to the new sensor, even if the original project file is no longer available. Here are two possibilities:

  • Use the ETS software: If you have access to the ETS software, you can use the defective sensor as a reference point and transfer the parameters of the new sensor manually. To do this, you must include the new sensor in the ETS software and set the parameters accordingly.
  • Use a physical interface: If you do not have ETS software or do not want to use this method, you can use a physical interface such as a KNX USB adapter or a KNX/IP gateway. You can then use a diagnostic tool to read out the parameters of the defective sensor and transfer them to the new sensor.

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