The manufacturer Lenovo has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Support for digital stethoscope devices

New or enhanced feature

General features

Support for digital stethoscope devices

  • Healthcare providers can use digital stethoscope devices with Zoom Rooms without adjusting additional audio settings. When a supported stethoscope device is connected to a Zoom Room via USB and selected as the microphone input, Zoom Rooms automatically adjusts and/or disables audio processing features like noise suppression and automatic gain control. Admins can set and save default microphone gain levels for each stethoscope device, which persist even when switching between different audio sources. Expected supported devices include (subject to change): Riester Ri-Sonic PCP, KORION SoundHeart, ThinkLabs One, and Jedmed OMNIsteth.

Enhancements to Zoom meeting personal link selection

  • Users in Zoom Rooms have an improved meeting join experience when joining using a Zoom user's personal link in situations where the personal link name is not globally unique. The user in the Zoom Room will be prompted to select between the personal link of a user in the same Zoom account as the Zoom Room (the default selection), or the global personal link owner's meeting. In situations where there is no conflict, the Zoom Room will automatically join the personal link owner's meeting.

Admin features

  • Default camera selection when joining Microsoft Teams meetings using Direct Guest Join
  • When Zoom Rooms Appliances join Microsoft Teams meetings using Direct Guest Join, Zoom Rooms is now able to communicate the selected default camera to the Microsoft Teams web client. Joining Microsoft Teams meetings using Direct Guest Join is now also a supported use case for Zoom Rooms Appliances with multiple cameras connected. However, only the default camera may be used, and the camera in use may not be switched while the meeting is in progress.

Controller features

Ultrasonic audio volume control for HP/Poly TC10

  • Administrators can control the volume level of the ultrasonic proximity audio emitted by a HP/Poly TC10 Zoom Rooms controller. The volume control interface matches the existing functionality available on Poly TC8 devices. This feature can help prevent ultrasonic proximity audio "leakage" from conference rooms with poor sound proofing, glass walls, or doors with air gaps.

Resolved issues

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Security enhancements
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