
Rally Camera Disconnects After Disconnecting Swytch From PC?

Any Reason why "Logi Rally Camera" would disappear in the device manager after Disconnecting from a Zoom Meeting? As soon as I eject or disconnect the cable "Logi Rally Camera" Disappears making the camera unavailable when switching back to Teams Room. I have to reboot the entire system to bring the camera back up.


This also happens to me. Rally camera disconnects after disconnecting a PC/Laptop. It's not always, but it happens every 7 or 10 times. The workaround is to turn off the NUC and turn it back on, but it's awkward doing it.

Top answer

I found an article but to no luck this did not resolve the issue, I verified in the Sync App all devices firmware was updated. I have an open ticket with Logitech about this but here is the article that did not help


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