The manufacturer Logitech has set up its devicebase profile. Contents like updates, compatibilities and support are maintained regularly.

Tap Scheduler: Updated to the latest Teams Panels admin agent version


Microsoft Teams Panels

  • Updated to the latest Teams Panels admin agent version


CollabOS: Remote UI Access

  • Fixed an issue where the friendly name set for a device would be reset to the default name on the Go To Resolve console.
  • Fixed an issue where resetting the device's network settings would disable the Remote UI Access feature.
  • Fixed an issue where the orientation of the Remote UI for wall-mounted Tap devices was inverted.
  • Fixed an issue where a Remote UI session would continue to be displayed as in session on the Go To Resolve console even after the session had ended.


  • Microsoft Teams Panels
  • Teams App version: 1449/ (June 2023)
  • Company Portal version: 5.0.5484.0
  • Admin agent version: 463
  • Known issues
Version: 1.10.129 Link
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